Rosie and Charley are siblings and best friends. We adopted them
from friends who rescued their little family.

Bugsy showed up on our street on a hot summer day - tiny, hungry, and as it turns out, very lucky.
He thinks Charley is his mum!

There is also the occasional litter of foster kittens . . .

These felines have been kind enough to share the house with us.
We thought we might share them with you.

Three cats a' napping. . .

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The kittens have discovered . . . .

                      . . . THE BATH TUB!!
It's their new favorite place to play.  Don't let Pru fool you
into thinking she's just watching - she dives in, too.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

It's Hot!

If you're hot, just imagine how the fuzzy ones  feel!  We're doing our best to keep kitties cool in these dog days of summer. TIP: As a treat in the heat, add a big scoop of ice to your pets' water bowl.
Too hot to cuddle.

Mungojerrie in the belly-cooling position.

Clemetine finds the basket to her liking.

Loooooong lounging kittens.

Ahhhh . . .a breeze!

Rosie chills it in the kitchen window.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Up Close and Purrsonal

Get up close and purrsonal with lovely Mowry.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Black Beauties!

Molly, Bella, Mowry and Mungojerrie have lost their baby fuzz and now have these beautiful sleek and shiny coats. They love to be brushed, especially when they're just waking up.

Fourth of July

Kittens made their debut at the annual block party.

They weren't too sure about the big cage or the big outdoors, but they did fine.

These lovely girls from the neighborhood wanted kitties, but had to ask their moms.  We all know how that goes!